Charlotte, NC BHRT | Bioidentical Hormone Doctor for Menopause Relief | Belmont, NC

Bioidentical Hormones for Menopause

Serving Greater Charlotte

Bioidentical Hormone Menopause Relief

Charlotte Hormone Imbalance and Menopause Clinic


Signature Wellness is dedicated to helping our Charlotte & Belmont patients achieve optimal health and love the way they feel.

Our approach to hormone imbalance is unique. We don’t only resolve your symptoms with medicine, instead, we look to the root cause of your conditions and we develop custom wellness plans to help you correct it. Under the guidance of Dr. Deborah Matthew, MD, our multidisciplinary staff works together to help you achieve your health goals.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our wellness programs here at Signature Wellness and to schedule an initial consultation.

Our Practice’s Personal Functional Medicine Approach

Both men and women can experience hormone issues. At Signature Wellness, we focus on a complete medical wellness approach using scientifically-based treatments that can help our Charlotte patients restore their energy, libido, mood or memory.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

BHRT therapy refers to “bioidentical hormones.” Bioidentical hormones mean that for both men and women the hormone molecule is structurally identical to the hormone produced in the human body. A lower amount of key hormones in the body can result  in certain symptoms or conditions.

What is menopause?

For Women’s Health, menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone. On average, this occurs at age 52, but can occur much earlier or later. Typical symptoms may include hot flashes, depressed mood, low libido, insomnia and vaginal dryness.

What is perimenopause?

As a woman approaches menopause, her hormone production may fluctuate wildly, causing night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, and more. Some women experience symptoms early – in some cases 10-15 years before clinical menopause.

What can be done?

An option is hormone replacement therapy to provide relief from symptoms due to menopause and perimenopause. Hormone replacement therapy options may include oral, topical, transdermal and pellets for estrogen, progesterone and testosterone replacement. 

What are bioidentical hormones?

The term “bioidentical” means the hormone molecule is structurally identical to the hormones produced by the human body. Bioidentical hormones are available in many forms including patches, pills, topical creams, vaginal suppositories and pellets inserted under the skin. Some are available from pharmaceutical companies and are FDA approved and some are specially prepared by a compounding pharmacy.

Some common options for hormone replacement (including both bioidentical and non-bioidentical options) are listed by clicking here.

Watch Dr. Matthew’s Interview on
America’s Wellness Experts

10 Causes For Underlying Hormone Imbalance

hormone replacement

Also Available for Download

10 Causes of Underlying Hormone Imbalance

functional medicine doctor

Deborah Matthew MD

Advanced Fellow Functional Medicine
Diplomat of the American Board of Anti-
Aging & Regenerative Medicine (A4M)
Diplomat of the American Board of
Integrative & Holistic Medicine (ABIHM)
Speaker & Oral Board Examiner for A4M
Past President – NC Integrative Medical Society


She is a considered an expert in her field. She has made over 100 television appearances, is a frequent podcast guest, lectured at multiple conferences around the World, authored two best selling books  and is actively involved in training and mentoring other providers. She has also been featured in the book : The Evolution of Medicine.


Hormone Therapy Can Help Deficiency or Imbalance that may lead to :

Weight Gain
Struggles with Weight Loss
Low libido
Hair Loss
Digestive Problems

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms from decreased hormones, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy may help. 

Our Wellness Programs For Charlotte Patients

Signature Wellness focuses on having a patient-centered approach because not all patients are the same. As functional medicine professionals, we provide patient-centered wellness plans, which means that we consider our patients’ health using a holistic approach.

From our specialized Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy to custom nutrition plans to stress management, our team of multidisciplinary medical professionals can help both men and women with holistic management plans, which begin with an initial consultation. After you have an initial clinical consultation with our team you are provided with a recommended treatment plan.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Signature Wellness is a Medical and Functional Medicine Clinic that specializes in women’s health including bioidentical treatments for menopause relief. We can help you create a customized wellness plan to help you take control of your health.

Are You Ready To Finally Feel Better?



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