Get to the Root Cause | Charlotte and Belmont, NC - Bioidentical Hormone (BHRT) | Functional Medicine | PRP | MedSpa

Functional Medicine

A whole person approach that helps to uncover and resolve the root cause of your symptoms to get you back on the road to vibrant health!

How is Functional Medicine Different?

In Functional Medicine, we use a detailed history and advanced lab testing to look for the ROOT CAUSES of your symptoms,  instead of just treating diseases with drugs.

Root causes can include things like hormone imbalances, stress, toxins, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, and chronic inflammation.

We use this information to craft a personalized plan to restore your wellness – a plan that focuses on the whole person (instead of just addressing one symptom at a time).

The plan may include nutrition and lifestyle changes, personalized supplement recommendations, and bioidentical hormone replacement where appropriate.

Our goal is to help you get back to feeling like yourself again!

Why hasn’t my doctor already helped me?

Here’s the problem.  Most doctors are quick to prescribe prescription medicine to address your health complaints.  (After all, that’s what we’re trained to do at medical school!)

Not sleeping?  We’ve got pills for that. 

Feeling kind of down?  More pills. 

Constipated? Achy? Anxious?  Check, check, check.  

Sometimes the drugs are important and they help, but sometimes they just put  a bandaid on your symptoms.  

And sometimes the drugs cause new problems! For example, many common antidepressants cause weight gain and low libido.  That’s depressing!  

The medicines often don’t resolve the root cause of your symptoms and don’t actually make you WELL!

A Functional Medicine approach just makes sense.

Functional Medicine

A Functional Medicine approach works well for problems such as:

  • Hormonal Imbalances such as feeling “tired & wired”, thyroid issues, PCOS, PMS, perimenopause, menopause, hot flashes,  mood swings
  • Digestive Disorders such as heartburn, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, chronic  constipation or diarrhea, SIBO, food sensitivities
  • Metabolic Issues such as weight gain, prediabetes or diabetes
  • Energy Issues, Stress & Chronic Pain such as chronic fatigue, adrenal issues, fibromyalgia

Take The First Step

On Your Journey To Optimal Health

We are excited to discuss our pillars and programs with you! 

Our Patient Care Coordinators are here to help you discover the best path forward to begin feeling better with our proven process.

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