Having a strong, healthy immune system is more important now than ever!
Stress suppresses your immune system, and who isn’t feeling stressed these days! Did you know that many of your hormones regulate your immune system too? The good news is that there are a lot of things you can do right now to boost your immunity to help prevent you from getting sick.
In this webinar I discuss:
- How stress causes hormone imbalances that increase your chances of getting sick
- Which hormones could be affecting your immune system (and your sleep, sex drive, mood and memory!)
- Why the hormones that weaken your immune system also cause weight gain (especially belly fat!)
- Why depending on prescription drugs doesn’t make you well (and may be harming your immune system)
We talk about:
- Which type of nutrition program is best for immune function and hormone balance (and which foods are the worst)
- Simple tips to reduce the effect of stress on your hormones and immune system (and things to avoid that increase problems)
- Why exercise is so important for immune boosting (and which kind of exercise you need to avoid)
- Which vitamins I recommend for a strong immune system (and what doses)
If you’re looking for a magic pill, this is probably not the right place for you. If you’re looking to get to the root of your health issues and find real solutions so you can have a strong imer immune system and feel your best, the I hope you’ll watch the webinar to learn how stress and hormone imbalances impact your immune system function, and what you can do about it.
If you are a patient, and have questions, or need some extra help right now, the best way to reach us in your patient portal. We can arrange for lab testing to be done at home if you’d like to have an evaluation to boost your immune system.
If you’re not already a patient, but you’d like to know more about our approach and how we may be able to help you, I’d like to invite you to a free 15 minute discovery consult with a member of my team.
We’ll find out about your goals, and let you know if we think we can help.
Do you fit into any of these categories? If so, you’re the type of person we can help!
1. You have chronic health issues and want to be doing everything possible to improve your current state of health.
2. You aren’t exactly sick, but just don’t feel good! Maybe you’ve got fatigue, brain fog, bloating, insomnia, mood symptoms, can’t lose weight, lost interest in sex…..
3. You feel fine, but place high value on your health and want to be doing everything possible to stay well!
You can schedule your free, no obligation discovery consult by clicking the button below, or using this link: https://local.demandforce.com/b/signaturewellnesscharlotte/schedule

Deborah Matthew MD
Past President – NC Integrative Medical Society
Advanced Fellow Functional Medicine
Diplomat of the American Board of Anti-
Aging & Regenerative Medicine (A4M)
Diplomat of the American Board of
Integrative & Holistic Medicine (ABIHM)
Speaker & Oral Board Examiner for A4M
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Journey Back To Health
Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a patient. Our patient coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Signature Wellness is right for you.