COVID-19 Archives - Charlotte and Belmont, NC - Bioidentical Hormone (BHRT) | Functional Medicine | Menopause | MedSpa

The Signature Wellness Blog | Tag: COVID-19

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Why testosterone is important for women too!

Hormones play a role in the health of your skin, hair, and bones, and they play a role in protecting your muscles as well.  Many women notice a change in how they look after 40, with less muscle tone, which can be very frustrating if you’ve been trying to live a healthy life and take

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How to Detox for Balanced Hormones

Its the New Year!  Feels good to finally get back into a schedule!  If you aren’t feeling your best, a quick detox may be all that it takes to get your hormones back into balance   How do you know if you need to detox? Are you having any of these symptoms?   Bloating Heavy periods Mood

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Could this common hormone problem (PCOS) be causing your weight gain?

September is PCOS awareness month! PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the most common female hormone disorder, and affects about 1 in 10 women. If you have PCOS, you’re in good company!  So do: Fitness expert Jillian Michaels, from The Biggest Loser Actress and singer, Lea Michele from Glee Spice Girl and fashionista, Victoria Beckham But

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Feel Like the “Wicked Witch of the West” Each Month?

PMS causing problems?  I hear ya sister.   Most of the month you’re nice.  You try to be kind, and be a good person (maybe you don’t ALWAYS succeed, but you try!)   And then once a month, something happens.   (Your hormones…and PMS!) You get so aggravated with that lady in line in front of you

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Are You In Peri-menopause?

I often get asked, “How can I know if  I’m in peri-menopause?”  It seems like a simple question, but the answer is not so straightforward! What exactly is peri-menopause anyway?  Before you go through menopause, there is a period of time (up to 10 years!) where things start to change.  The changes can be subtle

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